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Payment and Insurance

Please call or email to ask for the current fee schedule.


*A note about child neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations: At this time, referrals are being accepted for children 6 years of age and older. 

Neuropsychological Evaluations

Flat fees are provided for neuropsychological evaluations. The flat fee includes the initial intake meeting, face-to-face testing, and feedback meeting, as well as test scoring and interpretation, record review, and comprehensive report writing. Neuropsychological evaluations require significant non-face-to-face time to score and interpret test data and to generate a comprehensive written report.


Different flat fees are available based on individual assessment needs, including neuropsychological evaluations with and without academic achievement testing.

Psychological Evaluations

Flat fees are provided for psychological evaluations. The flat fee includes the initial intake meeting, face-to-face testing (intelligence, academic achievement, & psychological/behavioral rating measures), and feedback meeting, as well as test scoring and interpretation, record review, and report writing. Psycho-educational evaluations require non-face-to-face time to score and interpret test data and to generate a written report. 

Additional Services

Additional services will be billed on an hourly rate. Additional services include consultations and services that are considered outside the scope of a typical, forensic, psychological, neuropsychological or psycho-educational evaluation, including (but not limited to): IEP/Section 504 meeting attendance, classroom observation, additional feedback or planning sessions, legally-related services, treatment/intervention sessions, limited follow-up assessment, additional testing, etc.

Consultation Services

Dr. Chece is available to provide various types of consultations or evaluations services on a contractual basis to other institutions or entities. Fees for such services are negotiated separately.

Cancellation Fees

Cancellations made within 48 hours of your appointment are subject to a cancellation fee.


Cash, checks, and credit cards (Amex, Visa, MasterCard, & Discover) are accepted with a service charge depending on which card you use.  Dr. Chece is an out of network provider and he accepts Medicare if it is your primary coverage.  You are responsible for any co-payments or deductibles.


It is important to note that for all evaluations, half of the total flat fee is due before the start of face-to-face testing. The remainder is due at the time of the feedback session. 


If you plan on submitting for out of network insurance reimbursement and your insurance carrier requires preauthorization for psychological/neuropsychological testing, payment for the initial intake interview is due on the date of service.

Insurance Reimbursement

Chece Psychological, LLC is committed to providing cutting edge, high quality, thorough and comprehensive evaluations to best meet your needs. In order to maintain this commitment, Chece Psychological, LLC does not accept insurance.  However, you may be eligible for reimbursement through your health insurance company for the services provided, including the diagnostic interview (CPT Code 90791), psychological testing (CPT Code 96101), and/or neuropsychological testing (CPT Code 96118). You will be provided with an invoice and insurance claim form that can be submitted to your insurance company. Before scheduling an appointment, you are encouraged to ask your insurance company about your out-of-network coverage, and, specifically, your plan's coverage of CPT Codes 96101/96118, including if a physician referral is required, if preauthorization for 96101/96118 is required, and about any "medical necessity" criteria for testing. Coverage may be limited based on diagnostic codes. Chece Psychological, LLC cannot guarantee you will be reimbursed by your health insurance company. Most health insurance companies do not cover testing for educational or academic purposes. Although testing is often highly beneficial and uniquely informative for diagnostic and treatment/intervention planning purposes, testing that does not meet the specific "medical necessity" criteria for your plan may be considered educational in nature or ineligible for coverage.


A note about scheduling when preauthorization is required:


Please notify Dr. Chece before your intake appointment if preauthorization is required for testing. When preauthorization is required, paperwork must be submitted to your insurance company following the initial intake interview. Extra time is needed to prepare and submit the necessary paperwork and to wait for your insurance company to process the request. Testing will not be scheduled until the request has been processed. Failing to request preauthorization when it is required may result in a denial of your claim. Receiving preauthorization for testing does not guarantee reimbursement. 

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